Sunday 28 December 2008

Labour Party selects by-election candidate

Philip Fitzpatrick is the Labour Party candidate for the Hyde Newton by-election.

Philip – whose father Joe Fitzpatrick was a Labour councillor in the ward for 25 years – has spent most of his life living and working in Newton.

Educated at St Paul's RC Primary School and Hyde Grammar School, he is currently a governor at Oakfield School.

And as a qualified electrician, Philip has worked for a number of employers, including James North, where he was one of the team of shop stewards.

Now Philip, who is father of two grown-up children, hopes that as an elected councillor he would be able to help support the town that he says has influenced every decision he has ever made.

Commenting on his selection, Philip, aged 56, said: “I am both honoured and delighted to have been selected by Newton Labour Party to stand as their candidate.

“Having been raised in Newton and also having worked and lived here for most of my adult life I know Newton very well. In fact, I know Newton as only a local can.

"If elected I pledge to work hard for local people and to make sure that Newton gets a fair share from Tameside Council.”

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